Reader Written Comments


Letters, Cards, E-mail writings to Jan:


    ...I am now four chapters into Security Breach and absolutely love it! If finals weren't approaching, I would have had the book finished! My most cherished part of the book is my personal autograph in the front cover because it isn't often that you get to meet the author! I can't wait to finish your story and let you know what I think. So far, I find it to be so very touching and personal, and I feel even closer to your story after meeting you both. Share your story to as many people as you can, I'm sure that it will touch all who read it..."

    ... I bought your book (at senator's expo-petition signing), and told you I'd let you know what I thought.     Well I brought it home, told my husband about it, and he started to read it. It was hard for him to put it down. In fact he read the whole book that day. He said it was very good and I better have a handkerchief when I read it. Do you know I have not had a chance to read it yet. But I will and then I'll let you know."

    ... Even more, though, I appreciated the book. I have just finished it and - you're right - I couldn't put it down. ...
    Your story sounds like material for Dateline NBC or 60 Minutes, particularly in light of the recent developments. I downloaded the white paper on victimhood(#2). It's a travesty what's happening in this country. I've never worked in criminal law. In fact I was on the other side in civil law, defending against plaintiffs' claims in product liability. I'm well acquainted with the tactics attorneys use in trying to get the

most for their clients (and thereby, themselves). ..."

      I read your book (Security Breach) from cover to cover in virtually one sitting. My maternal heart ached, the tears flowed and I felt the roller coaster of emotions as if Tod were my son. I imagined what my husband and I would do if this terrible thing had happened to our family. When I learned of the murderer Tammy's second trial and reduced sentence I was outraged.  I would be just as fighting mad as you and Roger are. Every time I think of your story I feel my breathing stop, my body tense up, the hair on my arms and legs stand up and my heart rise to my throat. I have to catch myself to prevent the tears from coming. Everyone should read your book and hear of your Victimhood Amendment petition. I plan to lend my copy and recommend your book to as many family and friends as I can. It is a compelling true story. Thank you for having the courage to write it."

     I met you at the West Virginia State Capital. I was there for Horse Industry Day, but was drawn to your booth. I think your book is wonderful, I could not put it down!! I went through all kinds of emotions, while reading. My prayers will be with you and your family in the days ahead."

     I got your book yesterday. I couldn't put it down. I started reading in the evening and stayed up until I was finished about 3 in the morning.
     I could feel your loss and emotions through the entire book. I laughed at your stories of your son,  I cried when you cried telling the terrible event. I was mortified at the crime. I feel for you and your family from the deepest depth of my heart. It really makes you have a new look at the human race. And wonder how some people could be so heartless.
     Thanks for writing this book it has opened my eyes to a new side of people, that I didn't know existed." (ed: Although I published the loss, please do not focus on our loss, Jan wrote about her Victimhood. This noted vicarious experience is reason enough to share Jan's book.)

I borrowed your book after hearing good comments about your story. I didn't normally read books but your book was wonderful. Now I am reading other books thanks to you."

Congratulations on a job well done. Your book is interesting, gripping, and compelling. I felt the loss with you. I dreamed about your experience last night. And it will haunt me for a very long time."

I don't know what to say what an UNBELIEVABLE STORY!!! It is so scary to think that you just can't trust people. I bought your book at the Baltimore Book Festival and once I started reading could not put it down! I literally finished it in a day! I can't even imagine what you and your family went through and will still face throughout the years! I know one thing for sure, if it was my son, I would be fighting to high hell for his rights. I am sending the petition (found on web site) around my school and will gladly mail/fax it to you ASAP. I am also sending around a brief summary of your book, that I found on your web site, in hopes that I can get others to purchase the book. I can't even express to you how deeply sorry I am for the loss of your son!"

I couldn’t put your book down. You wrote with such passion and I felt I was living your experience."

Wow, I could feel the pain, but not like you felt it. Has anyone approached you about making a movie about it? Keep writing. You’re good."

I wanted to write and let you know how much your book touched me. I couldn’t put it down. It brought tears to my eyes many time. I don’t know how on earth you wrote it."

"Dear Jan,
    Jan and I both finished “Security Breach” It was very difficult reading – the tears kept clouding our eyes. It was an exceptionally well-written book, an exceptional story (better than fiction) but so, so sad.
   We can’t stop thinking about it." (ed: Those who cannot express their feelings probably should not buy this book.)

We have become a lending library for your book. The reactions from everyone who has read it have been really great. Universally, the problem people have is that they have difficulty reading it because of the tears in their eyes."

I read your book. I started it on 9/5 and finished it on 9/6. Wow! I kept wishing it hadn’t happened. How many people you have helped by writing your book. Not only others who have lost a child, but also those who cannot understand ‘some’ of what you went through."

I read your book in just a few days’ time – I could hardly put it down. It made me cry, it made me angry, it made me sick. What a horrifying story. I can’t imagine how you survived such an ordeal with a scrap of sanity. Thank your for sharing your story."

My wife Betsy, started reading your book at 10:00 this morning, and except for a few quick chores, read most of the day. She has now finished it, a feat not attempted in 45 years. She says it is a “great read” and appreciated very much my getting it."

I have received your book. Tears just came to my eyes and I wished that I could have been able to give the entire family a hug. I know that the love you all share for one another as well as your faith in God was what brought you through this."

A note to say how much I admire you and the way you wrote your book. It takes a special person to accomplish what you did and Tod would be so proud of you."

"Hi Jan,
We received your books. You did a marvelous job on your book. Our entire family read the book and all just thought you were something!! I am sure you son is looking down on you with so much PRIDE! Thank you for sharing with us."

I read your book, it was so moving, I cried in several different places.  I felt as if I was right there, especially during the trial and your granddaughter's poem is just beautiful."

I am in Chapter 8 and there’s not been a dull moment. I can feel your emotions. I hope I never experience losing a child."

    I can’t begin to imagine what you went through during the trials of your son’s murderers. I don’t understand the wickedness of some people. How can they justify the cruelness they do to others. The bad part is some people see nothing wrong in what they do to others.
    I could feel the emotion you were going through."

I finished reading the book. It was hard to put down. For someone who isn’t a “writer” you certainly are a gifted author. It’s a great book but sooo sad. I felt your frustration and thought you handled it better than I would have been able to."

I bought the book your wife wrote “ Security Breach”. First let me say how sorry I am for your loss. Actually, my mother read the book one week after I got back to Philly then I read it the next week and I also gave it to my father to read. Janet did a wonderful job in telling the horrible events of this story and really putting the reader in the same frame of mind as what she and your family were going through. I really felt so sad for your wife. I enjoyed the book, and again I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I will continue to share the book with others."

*    At a Barbershop Harmony Society convention in Salt Lake City, a Wisconsin book reader stopped to talk during dinner:

'Jan and Rog, my 14 year old daughter has read my copy and would like to meet you. She and my wife both agreed with me that Jan's book is terrific. Thanks for sharing your story with us.' (ed: Stated as remembered by Rog.)

*    Reader Messages to both from web site:

"Jan and Rog,
    Let me first start by saying how sorry I am for your loss. Your book certainly touched me, as it did a lot of people. You are certainly a very gifted person to write such a compelling and heartwarming book. I can't begin to imagine how hard it was for you. I just couldn't stop reading. It brought tears to my eyes.
    Thank you for sharing. Don't give up the faith and please, keep writing."

*    Message from State Senator:

I know that your message and fight for victims' rights will reach many people through your book."

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