Friends are a wonderful blessing in life. One example of impact of friends are the many cards, letters, E-mails written to Jan McQuaid to tell her how these old and new friends' emotions raged as they lived Jan's life vicariously while reading her Security Breach: The Murder of Tod McQuaid.

Jan gets new friends each time she receives an E-mail or a call from another victim seeking insights or information. It is hoped this web site helps by providing a path of Victimhood using the road traveled by the McQuaids. Jan's book gives much toward that goal.

The Volunteer also gives details about volunteer rewards for collecting voter signatures. You too can be a friend and Champion of Victimhood by helping collect signatures on victimhood petitions.

Friends and volunteers again surfaced for the McQuaids after a Writ of Habeas Corpus was accepted by the Court in 2003 as part of Victimhood#2. Friends came to the rescue when life fell apart again. One chorus friend wrote to all the other Chorus Members for help with the parole board hearing. Their letters helped keep Tod McQuaid’s murderer in jail until at least May 2007.

Thanks given here to our old and new friends, family, and Parents Of Murdered Children for their efforts helping address the WV Parole Board. Jan and Rog celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary while sitting with (the murderer and) the parole board who unknowingly gave Jan and Rog their "three years" reprieve as a Golden Anniversary present.

Rog’s Favorite Story From new female friend:
“Thank you so much for the wonderful news about the parole board hearing! I prayed at 10am on Monday and knew things would turn out okay!

“I got the book at the Ohio River Book Festival Saturday May 1 in Huntington, WV and read the entire book that day. Rog, you were right - I couldn't put it down and I tried to imagine what you guys went through.

“I am SO happy about your anniversary present! And don't worry - she won't get out in 2007 either!”

Rog’s Favorite Story From an old male friend:
“Received the book yesterday with our afternoon mail. Opened the envelope and started reading. Finished last evening only taking time out for supper.

“That is a lot for a 54 year old that may have read less than a hand full of books in his entire life.

“It says more for this book. I felt like I was with every move. I really don’t know how any one could go through something like that without going off the deep end. I kept thinking about my girls and trying to imagine what I would do if it were my wife and me.”

Click here for Jan's pick of Reader Written Comments page.


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