Jan is pleased with all that writers state about her. More is available under PR.

The horrific murder of her elder son caused Jan to look for a release for the anger and the overwhelming grief that came with his death. She also used this book as a way to tell Tod's daughters (four and six years old at his death) about their father. So, she began to write. Nine years and four versions later, Security Breach, The Murder of Tod McQuaid, was born.

A reader recently wrote, “I think 'Security Breach' is much more impressive when one thinks that the author used this defining event in her life to actually WRITE A BOOK, which she has done beautifully!”

One reviewer observed, “Jan tells the story as only a mother who has ‘been there’ can. It is the story of being sadistically manipulated by a trusted employee. And Jan doesn't simply tell readers about the manipulation, she makes readers feel it.”

Jan wrote her book about her average family; their son’s last days; and the ensuing struggle and triumph over it all. Security Breach, The Murder of Tod McQuaid made Janet Bailey McQuaid not only a writer but it made her a champion of the victims in their agony of victimhood. She leads the reader to vicariously be the victim, but she does not let the reader put the book down. She presents a story everyone should see in a movie.

A Postscript pseudo diary is available for reading on this site or for downloading. Focused on the second Victimhood caused by the State, it might be considered a BLOG. It can be used with Court Transcript pages on Links page to follow Jan while she uncovers the Omissions and Errors of the Prosecutor's Office. That story starts on BLUE page at Victimhood#2.


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